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Level 3

Setting user permissions on IIS folders

Hi, I am very new to InstallShield. I am now doing the install on a web project and want to set the user permissions on the folder created under the IIS root directory. I've tried to use the Permissions window by right clicking on an application folder and choosing properties. However, after the install, all the users on the web folder are gone except for the one I specified in the Permissions window.

I searched through the web and found some people using cacls.exe as a custom action to do the task. After trying it, I kept on getting errors at the installation time.

I know my questions must be very rookie, but I would really appreciate it if somebody could guide me through this simple task.

Thanks a lot! 🙂
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

Setting permissions through an MSI project populates entries in the LockPermissions table. Unfortunately, these permissions replace any permissions that exist on an object.

Using cacls.exe through a custom action is one alternate method of setting permissions during installation. If you are seeing an error from the installation after cacls.exe was run, this could indicate that cacls.exe returned a value other than 0. If permissions were set successfully, you can change the error handling of the custom action to ignore the return code from the EXE. If the permissions were not set correctly, you may want to try running cacls from a command prompt to determine what the correct parameters should be that allows for permissions to be set as needed.
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