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Level 7

Setting Windows Installer Properties

I am having problems with setting Windows Installer Properties that I have created using the Property Manager. I created a property called PA_INSTALLDB and gave it an initial value of "NO". I had gotten some advice in this forum to use the msiSetProperty function to set the value of this property, which I have done. I have set it to "YES" when this feature has been selected for install. However, when I display a message box with the property, it is never set.

I am using an InstallScript MSI project if this makes any difference.

Any help would be appreciated.

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(2) Replies
Level 7

Why create the property initially at all? If the feature is selected, you could just create and set it all at once, and then whatever you need to do based on it's value will still execute when it's "yes", and when it's not, it will properly fail either way.
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Level 16

I wonder if you need the property at all. It sounds like if the feature is being installed you want the database to be installed. If that's the case, you could just use a conditional expression ( &FEATURE=3 ) to drive the creation of the database.
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