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Level 7

Setting Components to be NOT shared by default

Is there any way to have new components NOT be shared by default? If not, could this be considered as a configuration setting for a future release?
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(2) Replies
Level 8

In Repackager there are some checkboxes that you can enable/disable for sharing but not for all components as a default. I would like that feature as well as it would save time search/replace in the Component Table.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Until there is the ability to set Shared flag up front or let you set all components at once to Shared, I've written a little Perl script that will do the job. This removes the Shared flag from all components in your project file. Just put the name of the Installshield file as a txt file as the first parameter and the output file is the second parameter.

open(INPUT, "< @ARGV");
while ($line = )
print "$line";
if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/)
while (($nextRow = ) && !($nextRow =~ m!^\s*<\/table>\s*!))
if ($nextRow =~ m/^\s*
if ($nextRow =~ s!^(\s*)
(.*)<\/td>(.*)<\/td>(.*)<\/td>8<\/td>!$1$2<\/td>$3<\/td>$4<\/td>0<\/td>!) {
print "$nextRow"; }
elsif ($nextRow =~ s!(^\s*)
(.*)<\/td>(.*)<\/td>(.*)<\/td>264<\/td>!$1$2<\/td>$3<\/td>$4<\/td>256<\/td>!) {
print "$nextRow"; }
elsif ($nextRow =~ s!(^\s*)
(.*)<\/td>(.*)<\/td>(.*)<\/td>24<\/td>!$1$2<\/td>$3<\/td>$4<\/td>16<\/td>!) {
print "$nextRow"; }
elsif ($nextRow =~ s!(^\s*)
(.*)<\/td>(.*)<\/td>(.*)<\/td>280<\/td>!$1$2<\/td>$3<\/td>$4<\/td>272<\/td>!) {
print "$nextRow"; }
else {
print "$nextRow"; }
print "$nextRow";
print "$nextRow";
exit 1;
0 Kudos