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Level 7

Service- Set Identity

Project Type: InstallScript MSI

I've gotten to the stage where I can successfully create the services we need. I've adjusted the ISSelfReg table such that it can create and the Windows service and the DCOM service. The services are created just fine. However we need to set the identity on a couple of the services. How can we alter the service once it's been created to adjust the identity of four of our services using InstallScript code?
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(3) Replies
Level 7

Does no one know how to set the identity of an existing Windows service? Everything else is configured correctly, I just need to set the identity now.
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Level 7

We've decided to work around this with our own hacks to the system. There doesn't seem to be any good way of changing a service once it's created.
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Level 16

Why aren't you just using the Service Install / Service Control tables?
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