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Level 2

[SUPPORTDIR] in installshield 2008 Express


I'm new with installshield and having some troubles. I want to use express cause i have a simple installation to make. I only have to copy some files, create shurtcuts, merge an ini file and based on a condition, start an third party setup.

starting the third party setup i'm having troubles with. I want to use the [SUPPORTDIR] to execute my file, but the file is never found. I began reading about this and found posts telling that (since Express 2008) each InstallScript custom action initializes its own engine. Each engine does not know where the primary SUPPORTDIR is, and each engine does not extract its own private copy of the support files. I found solutions using InstallScripts, but I'm using express cause of the simplicity, i really don't want to create scripts or anything, to access these files.

So , shortly said: can i use 'Setup Files' in a 'Custom Action' using [SUPPORTDIR] (or something else) to execute my files ?

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Level 3

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Level 17

The Express edition doesn't have support for InstallScript custom actions, so you don't have to worry about that SUPPORTDIR note that you found. It doesn't apply. See if the info in the following post helps:

Debbie Landers
Macrovision Corporation
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