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Level 13


I am trying to implement two SQLServerSelectLogin2 dialogs in an InstallScript MSI project to specify login info for two databases (may or may not use same creds). Seems like I should just need to copy the SQLServerSelectLogin2 dialog and modify it to change the properties that apply to the fields. That appears possible in a Basic MSI project but I don't see the Property field in the Dialog editor in the InstallScript MSI project. What am I missing?

Looks like I can accomplish that by adding a second set of Properties and using the appropriate properties for the SQL connections in the Scripts view.

Now I would like to add a checkbox to indicate "Use default values" that, if checked on the first screen, would allow me to skip the second dialog. Looks like I can't do that in an InstallScript MSI project?
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Level 13

I can add the checkbox by direct editing the Control table. But then one has to modify the appropriate .rul file. Wow! That is a long way to go for something as simple as adding a checkbox. I am now wrestling with the .rul file. Presumably I pass another parameter(s) into the SQLServerSelectLoginDlg.rul file and have code in there to show/hide the control??? I also need to default it to checked and then save the result. Is there any info or an example of how to do those things?


There is some info about this here
"You basically need to copy the code for the SQLServerSelectLogin2 function from C:\Program Files\InstallShield\2011\Script\Isrt\src\SQLServerSelectLoginDlg.rul into your InstallScript code, and then tweak it to support the new control that you have added."
But that does not seem like a good idea. It means the code goes with the version of IS rather than with the project. So you can see what will get forgotten on the next IS upgrade!
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