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SQLLogin cant connect to Alias using SQL Native client


I have some customers complaining that they have some aliases on their SQL Server where the installer gives a

27502, could connect to Microsoft SQL Server 'Test A'. [DBNETLIB] ConnectionOpen (Connect()). SQL Server does not exist or access denied. (17)

I have investigated the problem and found the following

Aliases under SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration(32bit) will work.
Aliases under SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration will give the error above.

The problem is that both aliases under 32bit and the other one (possible 64bit) shows up in the server list, but only one of them is working.

Are there any solution for this problem or just a good explanation I can tell the customer, why they cant use the aliases in the installer.

I am using a basic MSI. Have tried to make a test project in both 32 bit and 64bit with same result

Best regards,
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An update from the customer.

They have created the alias using the tool CLICONFG.EXE on the x64 client machine.
The alias shows up in the server list but gets an error when trying to connect.

Best regards,
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Level 17

InstallShield currently lists the both 32-bit and 64-bit aliases, but it can only connect to servers using 32-bit aliases. The work order #IOA-000064945 has already been submitted for this issue so that it will be addressed in a future release.

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