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Level 13

SQL Scripts run slow at install time

I have a rather long SQL script (> 80,000 lines) that runs very slow using the Scripts view. The script can be run in < minute with SQL Management Studio and takes 5-11 minutes when run via InstallShield. Furthermore, it times out on Server 2012 R2 with SQL 2012. It does not time out on Server 2008 R2 and SQL 2012... although it still takes a long time. I have set the Command Timeout in IS to 240 seconds to get it to work... but users are complaining about how long it takes. Any ideas are appreciated.
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Level 17

You may want to try using the latest version of SQL Native Client ODBC driver for InstallShield to connect to Microsoft SQL Servers, and see if it makes any difference. Please see this blog post to learn how you can change the configuration.
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Level 13

Thanks... sounds like a good idea, but that did not help.
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Level 13

I spoke too soon! There is a script that needs to be run first that I was not running when I used SMS. That is why it ran so quickly. SMS is slow too! So your suggestion may work.

So the script always runs slow, even in SMS. We will just have to live with that. What is strange is that it times out ONLY on Server 2012 R2 with SQL 2012. It does not time out on Server 2008 R2 that with SQL 2012 that was installed with the same SQL 2012 Express install package. To avoid that I had to raise the command timeout in IS.
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