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Level 8

Rollback during Upgrade problem

I have a Basic MSI project and during the RemoveExistingProducts action, after the new software has been installed, the old files are all removed. This step seems to launch a separate Removal execute sequence. If I hit cancel during this step, the rollback seems to leave the new files and the old files on the system, though I can take care of this.

The real issue is that it has both the upgrade version and the old version still installed. If I run the MSI file for both they both go to the maintenance mode and need to be removed. I checked in the registry under Windows and Uninstall and the product code for the old version is still in there.

How am I supposed to get rid of this? This seems like a weird thing for the Installer to do, leaving both versions technically installed.
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Level 8

I know there is a registry key somewhere under Microsoft and Uninstall, that lists the product code. If I remove that it will remove the entry from the Add/Remove Programs list. Are there any other artifacts like this leftover that I would have to manually get rid of?
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