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Retrieving a property during deferred execution for a condition


Okay, so I've been reading on here as well as the help files on getting the value of an MSI property from within a deferred custom action.

However, my requirements are a little different as I want to use the value in a condition with a custom action (launch an .exe).

Has anyone had any experience with this? I need to determine if the .exe should be launched based on what the property was set to during the beginning of the install.
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Level 16

Just use the property as part of a conditional expression for the deferred CA. Conditions are evaluated during the script-generation phase and the proeprty is available for use. If the condition eval's to true then the CA will fire during the deferred phase.

Also if you are directly calling an EXE you can pass the property at the command line because it's evaluated at script generation. When you get into script and dll CA's you have to use the customactiondata property technique.
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Not applicable

Maybe I wrote my condition wrong then.....for the deferred launch .exe custom action I have the following:

Install Exec Sequence: After InstallFiles
Install Exec Condition: ISPRODUCTINSTALLED = "NO"

If ISPRODUCTINSTALLED was set to "NO" at the beginning of the install then this custom action should run. Doesn't launch though. If I keep the exec condition blank, it will run.
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Level 16

Run logging and see what it tells you. You might also need to add the property name to the SecureCustomProperties property.
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