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Level 2

Restricting Uninstallation to users


I want to restrict the uninstallation of a program by looking at who is triggering the uninstallation.

The program can be installed in two modes : for All Users, or for the logged in user.

Now, what I want is, if the program is installed for All Users, everybody should be able to uninstall. But if the program is installed for a particular user, only he/she should be able to do it.

This has to be checked some where in OnMaintUIBefore. But I dont know how to check for which users the application is installed.

Any idea how to resolve the problem ?

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(1) Reply
Level 7

Surely if the program has been installed for a specific user only that logged on user will be able to see the program in the ARP and be able to uninstall it?
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