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Level 7

Replacing InstallShield build machine

My Installshield build machine is 4-5 years old and I'm ready to upgrade it. I've been modifying and building all the installers for my company using IS11.5 and IS2008 and both versions are still in use across some 75 different projects.

I have a single license for each InstallShield Product. I am assuming I will be able to uninstall the products from my current machine to free up the licenses and then reinstall them on the new machine. Does anyone see any issues with that and if so please advise.

I am concerned that the licensing issue won't be that straighforward and what I don't want to find out after purchasing the new machine is that the only way to get it done is to have to purchase the software again.

Thanks in advance.
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Level 7

Bump, please, anyone?
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Level 17

If you have an Internet connection when you uninstall those old versions, they will become deactivated during the uninstallation. That makes your serial numbers available for activation on another machine. You shouldn't have any problems with this scenario.
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Level 7

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