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Level 4

Change Version & Company info of single executable setup.


I am using Installshield 2008 Premier edition.

I wish to change company and file version of the installscript Setup.exe file built. This information is the one you see on the Version tab of the Properties dialog of the setup.exe file (right click on the setup.exe file and then select Properties select version tab).

I have come across some of the threads on this forum which says to modify the setup.exe by opening it up in Visual Studio Resource editor (VS 2005). But the moment i save the changes after updating the setup file gets corrupted. The original size of the setup is around 17 Mb but after changing the version and company information it becomes around 360 KB.

I would really appreciate if someone could provide any help or pointer on this issue.

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(4) Replies
Level 4

Anyone who has faced this problem or more importantly solved this problem.

Anybody from macrovision. Any workarounds or pointers which can help me achieve the requirement.

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Level 7

It sounds like you are trying to adjust the version number etc after building the Setup.exe, but I think the problem is you need to change this in the stub before you build the Setup - this used to be possible in IS11.5, I used to do this and here are the steps:

1. Fire up Visual Studio
2. Click on Open File and in the dialog
· Select Files of Type “All Files(*.*)”
· Select Open as: “Resources”
· Navigate to - \Program Files\Macrovision\IS11.5\Redist\Package Stub\Setup.exe – or the name of any modified package you have created
3. Open the Version\Turkish item
4. Adjust the details accordingly and save the file

However, I can't find a similar file in IS2008 - but I hope this at least points you in the right direction.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Hi Nick

Thanks a million for that pointer. After going through your reply i found this entry on the forum "" in which they have mentioned that currently Installscript stub reside in "Program Files\Macrovision\IS2008\Redist\Language Independent\i386\ISP". After modifying this setup.exe using Visual studio resource editor i got the desired results.

Thanks a lot once again.

Thanks & Regards
0 Kudos
Level 2

Nick, Gurinder,

This definitely works. But is it legal to do this? I'm concerned about what Macrovision thinks about this.

Also, doing this for multiple projects would be a pain. I wish the .ism had some way of storing this information in the self-extracting exe tab. That would be ideal.

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