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Level 4

Replace banners in install steps


is there a way to replace these banners with our own corporate logos?

All functions I could find only display a fullscreen window.

Thank you for your answers!

Best Regard,
Christian Schlager
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(3) Replies
Level 7


Goto Project Assistant\Installation Interview.

On the top right you will see a box called 'More Options' with 'Use custom images on dialogs' Click on this and then use browse to your images. They don't have to be .png, I use .jpg on mine.

Note: With the both images, it isn't just the area you have indicated that you replace but in the case of the dialog one (the first one) it is the full screen with the white area to the right. In the case of the banner one (the second one) it is the full strip including the white area to the left. In both cases the text fields overlay the white areas.
0 Kudos
Level 4


@ Nick
thank you for your answer!
Unfortunately, I have an InstallScript project. The option you mention is only available in MSI projects. But thanks to you I found the appropriate script function:

DialogSetInfo( DLG_INFO_ALTIMAGE, SRCDIR ^ "test.bmp" + ";0;1;;0,0,0" , TRUE );

This way I can show a different image on each step.
The banner behaves correctly.
But when I create an image that is supposed to cover the whole left area in the welcome screen, only a small portion of the image is shown the rest is clipped (see images).

Does anyone have any idea why that is?

Thank you for your help!
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Level 7

It looks to me like you have replaced the wrong thing on the welcome screen. There is a small IS icon in that area and it looks like you have replaced that, not the main graphic.

NOTE: The graphic you want to replace covers almost the full dialog. It is not just the 1/3rd of the dialog on the left hand side, it is the full width, including the white canvas to the right.
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