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Level 3

RemoveRegistryValue during Major upgrade


I have a Installscript msi project in IS 11.5 which had a component1 with 2 registry key values and files , component 2 with only file. I created a major upgrade of the product wherein i had deleted the component1 since it was not required and moved the registry entry of component1 to component2.

The actions are sequenced as to Install and then remove in Major upgrade project.

Now dat during upgrade installation, I could see that the the registry entries already created during fresh installation is been updated with respective values during upgrade, but later on the respective registry entry is been removed during "RemoveRegistryValue" action.

My question here is , is it an expected behaviour for major upgrade projects or am i missing anything?

Could anyone let me know more information on such behaviuor and how can i make it working ?

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(1) Reply
Level 9

set the upgrade setting to "Completely uninstall old setup before installing new setup" and that should work fine.
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