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Level 2

Remove language problem.

So my employer wants their installer to be in English and Japanese. I can do that. I get everything working and then they change their mind and only want English. So I changed everything so it only does English.

When I finish building I notice there are two string files:

I assume String1041.txt is Japanese. How do I stop this from being created?

When the current version of the installer is run on a Japanese server it shows up in Japanese instead of defaulting to the only language we support, which is English.

Any suggestions would be helpful.
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(3) Replies
Level 3

Exact same problem here. The bosses asked me to add Turkish, so I added it. Now they've asked me to remove it, I unticked the box, but the installation still contains Turkish as an option.

I can remove it from the installation by deleting the files 0x041f.ini and 1055.mst, and adjusting the [Languages] section of Setup.ini to remove the key for 417f and decrease the count by 1.

For your Japanese problem, that would be 0x0411.ini, 1041.mst and the key1=411 line in Setup.ini

I haven't worked out how to stop this being generated yet.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Ah ha! Found it.

When you add a language on the General Information->Project Properties screen, it adds it on the Release screen as well. Then, when you remove it from the Project Properties, it disappears from the list in the Release Screen, but is still selected!

To remove it, you need to turn Japanese back on in Project Properties, remove it from all of your releases on the Release screen, then go back to Project Properties and remove it again.

Looks like a bug to me, removing a setting on a project-wide basis should remove it at a release-level as well.
0 Kudos
Level 3

I raised it as a support incident, they've accepted it as enhancement request IOC-000071202.
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