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Level 3

Remove all traces of an installation

I have an IS 11 InstallScript MSI project that I converted to IS 2009. In my IS 11 project I followed Kathy Morey's suggestion I found in another thread,

She said to remove the Register Product, Register User, Publish Feature, Publish Product from the execute sequences as well as set the ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT property to 1. I did all that and my IS 11 project was installed with no trace like I wanted it.

Now to my issue. I upgraded the project to IS 2009, checked the property and and sequences to ensure they were set correctly. Everything looked good so I compiles and built my project. When I tested the newly built EXE it prompted me asking if I wanted to uninstall my previous version. Is there something else in IS 2009 that I need to set/remove to replicate the behavior I had set in my IS 11 project?

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Level 3

Anyone? Not even one of the IS support guys on here?
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Flexera Alumni

A simple test with InstallShield 2009 seemed to work; as a test, does it work for you with a new, non-migrated project?
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