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Regarding Prerequisites (Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19 for SQL Server)

Hello InstallShield Team,

We have already purchased InstallShield 2021  for our project. Our application required some prerequisites which is Microsoft Visual C++  2022 Redistributable Package (this redistributable is already added with this version of InstallShield) & Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19 for SQL Server (x64) (This prerequisite is not added in the list in the InstallShield).

Installshield 2021 has old Microsoft OLEDB Driver for SQL Server till but, we need the newest version which is 19. I tried to add manually but it is not installing driver properly. I have few questions!

1. How to add correctly new redistributable into the list?

2. have you already added this prerequisite in any of your latest version of InstallShield, let me know which version it is?

3. Will upgrading to the latest version of InstallShield FREE?


Vijay Jha

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Level 3

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you can edit your own prerequesites

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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @jha001vijay ,

 You can download the OLEDB 19.0 prq files in this attachment, Please download the prq and add it to Installdir location of 2021 setupprequsities 

C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2021\SetupPrerequisites

You can get this latest 19.0 OLEDB prq from our IS2023 onwards.

Yes, you are free to upgrade if you having an active maintenance plan.

In order to connect your SQL script using OLEDB 19.0, then you need to follow steps mentioned in below KB

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