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Level 4

Refreshing text control

I'm new to Installshield programming. So I don't have a lot of knowledge yet.
I would like to know how to refresh a text control.

The text control has a property _BrowseProperty2 and text is [INSTALLDIR].
By clicking on browse button i raise a doAction event calling AskPath method.
When the installer returns from AskPath I have double text in my text control.
The old path and behind it the new path.

How can I refresh the control, that will show only new path?

Thank you for your help.
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Mixing MSI and InstallScript (such as AskPath) dialog boxes sometimes ends poorly; perhaps look at the events and properties of a Windows Installer-only dialog box such as DestinationFolder?
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Level 4

I tried DestinationFolder, but I need to be able to browse the network.
So I created a custom FolderBrowser in C#, that returns string path directly to INSTALLDIR.
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