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Level 8

Quick Patch 6218 error

I have an original installation (Version 1.0) done as a Basic MSI, and it works fine.

I have created a QuickPatch project (Version 1.2) and referenced the original installation, and when I build it, I get an error 6218.

Other posts regarding this suggest to edit the Settings.xml file entries for the MsiAssembly and MsiAssemblyName tables, then rebuild the original installation and rebuild the QuickPatch. I implemented these suggestions even though the original post was dealing with IS 12. Now, I get some unspecified errors in the original installation. If I change the Settings.xml file back to the way it was originally, the original installation once again builds with no errors, but I am left with the errors in the QuickPatch project.

I'm not sure how to get around this. I have ran IsCmdBld with the -v option, but the errors it shows are not very helpful.

Not sure where to go next.
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(3) Replies
Level 8

I am also experiencing this problem when trying to create a QuickPatch.

anyone have any suggestions as to how this can be corrected?
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Level 5

I'm getting this exact same error 6218... and after editing settings.xml, still get the error. Were you guys able to discover a solution?

IS, any ideas?
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Level 8

I found a solution to my problem by using the command line build tool for InstallShield to build the installer and looking at the outputs on the screen.

The error is one that was being caused internally due to the MSI file I was using. The MSI was created using a different tool than InstallShield and was missing the MsiAssembly and MsiAssemblyName tables completely. I used Orca to edit the original MSI and insert these tables as empty tables into the MSI and it worked just fine.

Apparently for a quick patch to function those tables must be present even if they are empty.
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