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Level 6

Programatically or automatic update of Chained MSI installations


I am looking into creating a single installation ("wrapper") which would install multiple smaller products using the chained msi option.

I quickly ran across an issue. We routinely build each of the child products and update their Product Codes. These product codes are saved in the wrapper MSI file in the ISChainPackage Table. Changing the product code in the child installations would mean that the product code within the wrapper would need to be updated as well.

It seems however that the product code stored in the table is only updated when the msi file to be chained is initially added to the project. The project builds fine however throws an error during runtime most likely due to the product GUID being incorrect and thus an incorrectly structured command sent to the child MSI file.

Is there any way to automate this process? I have been toying with the idea of manually editing the XML Installshield project file but that strikes me as a little overkill and somewhat risky. I have been looking at the automation interface and can not find a function that will refresh this data.

Any help would be appreciated.
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(1) Reply
Level 9

So Rob have you gotten anywhere with this request?

We also have the same issue, where we have 6 main products and about 54 language pack installers attached to our parent Chain and since we have not yet got Minor Upgrades working we are strictly performing Major Upgrades only with the Chain.

So when we update the product codes of the individual projects we then have to remember to update all these product codes in the Chain.... What a pain, and if we forget then even though the product chain still builds and installs, it will not uninstall any of the products that have a changed product code.

It would be nice if IS would refresh the Product Code's when loading the project, or have a button to refresh the product code when ever we update them...

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