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Level 4

ProductException: (error code = 601; message="JVM not found")

Has anyone else encountered the error, "ProductException: (error code = 601; message="JVM not found")"?

I get it while using a Legacy Uninstall Action. Would anyone know how I can resolve this error.

Here is a large excerpt of the debug output I was able to capture.

Kicking on thread for silent legacy uninstaller
Running silent uninstaller /home/bdshan/Legacy/install/_uninst/uninstall.bin
With argurments: -silent
With argurments: -is:log
With argurments: /var/tmp/ismp024/5261235.tmp
(May 3, 2006 2:10:33 PM), Setup.product.install, com.installshield.product.actions.UninstallerJVMResolution, dbg.jvm, searching for a JVM
(May 3, 2006 2:10:33 PM), Setup.product.install, com.installshield.product.actions.UninstallerJVMResolution, dbg.jvm, attempting to use the current JVM
(May 3, 2006 2:10:33 PM), Setup.product.install, com.installshield.product.actions.UninstallerJVMResolution, dbg.jvm, copying the current JVM
(May 3, 2006 2:10:33 PM), Setup.product.install, com.installshield.wizard.platform.solaris.SolarisJVMServiceImpl, dbg.jvm, copying directory /var/tmp/istemp3600
123140647/_bundledJRE_ to /home/bdshan/Legacy/install/_jvm
(May 3, 2006 2:10:39 PM), Setup.product.install, com.installshield.product.actions.UninstallerJVMResolution, wrn, An error occurred attempting to copy the curre
nt JVM: ServiceException: (error code = 2; message = "No such file or directory"; severity = 0)
(May 3, 2006 2:10:39 PM), Setup.product.install, com.installshield.product.actions.UninstallerJVMResolution, dbg.jvm, installing the bundled JVM
(May 3, 2006 2:10:41 PM), Setup.product.install, com.installshield.wizard.platform.solaris.SolarisJVMServiceImpl, dbg.jvm, installing JVM to /home/bdshan/Legacy
(May 3, 2006 2:10:54 PM), Setup.product.install, com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$Installer, err, ProductException: (error c
ode = 601; message="JVM not found")
ProductException: (error code = 601; message="JVM not found")
at com.installshield.product.actions.JVMResolution.install(Unknown Source)
at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$InstallProduct.checkUninstallerJVMResolution(Unknown Source)
at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$InstallProduct.install(Unknown Source)
at com.installshield.product.service.product.PureJavaProductServiceImpl$Installer.execute(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)

I added the Legacy Uninstall Action to the preinstall sequence as suggested by IS tech support since when running a upgrade installation on an installation that was IS X based it would create a new _uninst directory, _uninst2 after installing the product.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
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(8) Replies
Level 3

You might have change the jvm location after installing the application, but the uninstall jar is still pointed to the same location. but don worry, just invole uninstall.jar by passing java home. Do u need the exact command line 😉
0 Kudos
Level 3

The java home sould have one of the version which u gave in jvm resolution.
0 Kudos
Level 4

I am not sure you understand the problem fully. The uninstall of the old product works via the Legacy Uninstall Action. But I believe that the error occurs when the new install is trying to create the uninstaller.
0 Kudos
Level 3

At what tiem you got this error log, during installation or during uninstallaton. Your command line says that it's during uninstallation. The problem is that you havenot buldled the jvm for the uninstaller and you specified some jvm to search. And the uninstaller is not able to search for that jvm. You can do only one thing, install the version of the jvm which u have specified in the installer or try to search how u can provide the proper jvm location through command line. It's better for you that installed one of the jvm specified in the jvm resolution. 🙂
0 Kudos
Level 3

A kind of shot in the dark: is it possible that both the new installer and the uninstaller created by the old installer use the same jvm directory, and the directory is removed by the uninstaller in the middle of the upgrade?
Would you mind trying a different Install Location for the latest installer JVM using Application Data, Launchers, Advanced View, Product Uninstaller, Product Uninstaller JVM Resolution view; and see if that works?

0 Kudos
Level 4

AlexanderRodov wrote:
trying a different Install Location for the latest installer JVM

That worked, I had to do the same for the _uninst folder because the installl was creating a second folder since one already exisited.

But this solution only seems to be working when the install is run using an interface, not in silent mode. 😞
0 Kudos
Level 2


I am getting same error in Linux environment.

Could you please kindly let me know what exactly you did to overcome the problem.

I followed the suggestions in the thread but there was no luck.

You help will be greatly appreciated.

0 Kudos
Level 4

For a complete solution you need to do a few things.

1) Add a Legacy Unstall Action to you preinstall sequence
2) rename the folder where your install is copied to, the default is _jvm. I changed mine to _jre
3) rename the folder where your uninstall launcher is written. Mine was _uninst so I renamed it to _uninstall

Hope this helps.
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