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Level 7

Problems resolving a property in a path


I have a web-based application that needs to be multi-instance. To that end, I am using the [InstanceId] property in the application path.

The problem begins in that I cannot correctly define the path for a component, as in this example: [INSTALLDIR]Application\[InstanceId]\. The IDE forces it to [INSTALLDIR]Application\[InstanceId] (notice the missing "\"), and the application path is thus incorrect when the instance is installed. (I use a custom action to resolve [InstanceId] in the directory name during the install sequence.)

If I force the "\" into the path in the Directory table (via Direct Editor), then this error occurs during the project build: "ISDEV : fatal error -6015: Error generating short file name for file...\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\DIR16.tmp\[InstanceId]\...".

Is there a way round this, or do I need to find a different naming convention for the instances? Why is this so needlessly difficult to setup? :confused:
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(2) Replies
Level 12

You will first need to understand how Directory table is structured and used.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Thank you for the links. I found that being unable to include the back-slash character after the property name in the Component destination field wasn't a problem: I was able to add the trailing character in the "Set Directory" CAs, and the directory structure on the target machine is now correct.
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