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Level 2

Problem with Oracle Connection during installation


I am new to InstallShield. Currently I am using Installshield 2012.

I have Created an InstallScript MSI project. I want to execute certain Oracle scripts like to creates tables, stored procedures, etc.... during the installation of my application. I have choosen Oracle Instant client for connecting to ODBC, rather than MS ODBC. I have done the below steps for connecting to Oracle DB during installation:
1. Opened the ODBC Resources in System Configuration(in Installation Designer) and unselected the Microsoft ODBC for oracle in Drivers & DSNs view
2. Then opened the SQL Scripts view in Server Configuration, Then I added a new SQLConnection
3. In requirements tab of the new SQL Connection, selected the Oracle & un-selected MS Sql Server.
4. In general tab selected - Create Catalog if Absent option, Entered the Default Target ServerName as: //
5. Opened the Direct Editor view in Additional Tools, then opened the ISSQLDBMetaData table. Modified the below details for the oracle connection:
AdoDriverName: OraOLEDB.Oracle
AdoCxnDriver: Provider=
AdoCxnServer: Server= ( also tried by changing this option to Data Source=)
AdoCxnUserID: User Id=
AdoCxnPassword: Password=
AdoCxnWindowsSecurity: OSAuthent=1

During the installation I am facing the connection error. Below are the error details:

Error 27502. Could not connect to Oracle''.Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.

Note: Oracle instant client & ODAC tools were installed on the testing machine.

Please help me, what kind of mistakes which I am doing here.

Thanks in Advance.
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Level 2


Some additional configuration details about the issue:
1. I have tested this on 64-bit machines, But I have installed the Oracle instant client 32 bit version on 64-bit machine.

2. I have tested DB connection through a sample .Net application, SQL Plus editor, TNSPing and SQLDeveloper.

Please help me on this issue, as this is the part of application release. I was stuck here and not able to proceed further on this.

Thanks in Advance...
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Level 17

Try Dbq= for the value of the AdoCxnServer column. I tested it using Oracle Database XE 11.2. I entered "localhost:1521/XE" for the target server name on the SQLLogin dialog, and I was able to connect to it.
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