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Level 3

Problem with Merge Module inclusion

I am facing some problems in including Merge module in my installshield Basic MSI project in Installshield 2009.

The problem is that I have created two Basic MSI projects : Proj A and Proj B.Proj A includes a merge module M1 and proj B doesnt.

On building Proj A, it successfully includes M1, but on building Proj B it tries to include teh merge module M1 even though I haven't selected it in the Redistributables view of Proj B.
There is no dependency among the binaries included in M1 and Proj B. I looked through the Tools->Options->MergeModule - >search path.It contains the location of the M1 path. But in redistributables view of Proj B, it shows as deselected bu still then includes while building.

Heard that this is not an issue with Installshield 12, but haven;t checked. Can
anyone help me out finding the issue? Is this issue prevalent in Installshield 2009 alone?
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(2) Replies
Level 4

Have a look for the following things. Hope this might help you in resolving your problem:

1. Does any of the binary in proj B requires the redistributable M1 (which you have used in proj A).
A. You can get this information using dependency scanner (In Installshield itself dependency scanner is there)
2. As you are doing uncheck for the redistributable, I presume that this may not be there in the setup(MSI package). Using ORCA editor you can open the package and check the MSM
3. Normally redistributable will be stored in C:\ProgramFiles\IS2009\Modules\i386\redist (not sure the exact location. you can search the MSM files and can find out the location in the Installshield installed location) . While doing the setup for proj B, ensure that the redistributable M1 not present in the redistributable location.

I presume that step 3 will definately helps out in fixing your issue.
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Level 3

Sorry for the delayed response.

HEre not sure of the exact problem. We did make sure that the lcoation under which the msm are located are being captured in the Options(Menu)->MergeModule(tab)->Locations to search for merge module(edit box). After making this change, we are no more now facing this issue. 🙂

Anyways thanks for your information on troubleshooting the issue.
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