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Level 13

Prevent Downgrade fails when starting setup from EXE

I have a basic MSI package in which I have created a Prevent Downgrade custom action and authored items into the Upgrade table correctly.

For testing in house we have QA just modify the MSI package for ProductVersion and the PackageCode. However, what we have found is that if QA starts the setup from the setup.exe that the check for downgrades is ignored and it proceeds to do an upgrade. If we launch the setup using the MSI package directly then the prevent downgrade custom action works perfectly.

Why does setup.exe cause this process to fail and how do I prevent it? Does the Setup.exe need to be recompiled - is our testing process faulty in this case by just modifying a copy of the MSI package in incrementing the ProductVersion and changing the ProductCode?

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Level 13

I just completed a separate build of my install and it appears that my testing scenario is defective. I need to create a complete build using the newer major version number. The setup.exe must include this internally when compiling.
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