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Level 2

Prerequisites do not appear in list of items to be installed, but are installed anywa

Amongst other prerequistes, I have added these to my project:
Windows Installer 4.5 for Windows XP SP2 and later (x86)
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (Web Download)

I can not get either of these products to appear in the list of prerequisites that will be installed when running my installer, even though clicking 'Install' will show that they are being installed. If there are no other products needing to be installed, an empty list is shown.

What do I need to make these appear?
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(2) Replies
Level 8

I ran into this exact same thing, I had to edit the prerequisites.

In the redistributables view right click the prerequisite and select "edit prerequisite" under the behavior tab make sure the checkbox for "This prerequisite should be hidden from the installation list." is unchecked, it is the 3rd checkbox on the list.

If that checkbox is checked then the prerequisite will not be displayed in the list of programs to be installed.
0 Kudos
Level 2

Thanks Lurean, that's done the job
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