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Prerequisite Opening Explorers Window On Install


I have a Basic MSI InstallShield 2009 Project. There's a custom prerequisite that I install at setup (Extract from setup.exe).

When the user installs the product, it installs that prereq first. However, it pops open an explorer window to where the file it executes is stored.

That window confuses our user. Sometimes that explorer window stays open in front of the installation screens.

Moreover, in Vista, it looks to open in a temporary location, delete the folder it opened up in, but leave the explorer window open. So, then the user gets an error that it cannot display "temp/... " location because it doesn't exist.

Any idea why this window opens up, and how I can suppress it?

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So, far the only thing I can see that's different in my .prq file versus another is that somehow the "execute" line is blank. I think this corresponds to the "Application to Run" field in Prerequisite Editor.

Typical .prq:


My .prq just has "" instead.

I believe that's what was causing an explorer window to pop up. I also noticed that with this happening I did not have to go through a dialogue setup and EULA with this prerequisite (Microsfot C++ 2008 Redistributable).
But with the execute file not left blank, I do have to go through this dialogue.

Anyone else noticed this?

I'm wondering if there's a way to not have that explorer window pop up AND not have to go through that prerequisite dialogue stuff.

Any feedback is welcome. Thanks.
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