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Level 3

Playing a sound in loop.

hi guys,
I've been asked to develop an install for our product. But I have to play a song, sound, music, etc in background while the software is being installed.

I know that InstallShield doesn't support sound feature basically.

But I've heard about using the winmm.dll to play a sound. Could someone give me more infos about it and what to use in the installscript code to make it work.


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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Depending on your project type, you might look into the InstallScript PlayMMedia function, which takes MMEDIA_PLAYCONTINUOUS and MMEDIA_PLAYASYNCH flags that might help...
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Level 3

oh yea sorry, it's an InstallScript Project. Thanks for the tip, i'll look at that function.
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Level 2

I also had the same problem, fix it. Can anyone give more detailed instructions?

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