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Level 7

Pause after uninstall for a major upgrade

Given: InstallScript MSI project, InstallShield 2008 version, doing a major upgrade.

Question: How and where may I program a pause AFTER InstallShield automatically uninstalls the old version of my product, but BEFORE it begins to install the new version?

I'd like to use this pause (maybe a temporary MessageBox) to examine the old product directories to make sure all old files were uninstalled by the major upgrade process. Is there some event I can catch, similar to OnFirstUIBefore ... something like OnUninstallOldVersion or OnMajorUpgrade ??

Thanks for any ideas.
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(4) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Major upgrade removal is part of the RemoveExistingProducts action. If you schedule your own custom action after that, you can do whatever you'd like.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Thanks, but I'm not using custom actions -- just InstallScript. Call me old-fashioned.:o
0 Kudos
Level 10

InstallScript MSI projects do use sequences and actions to get your product installed. If you want to put in the kind of a breakpoint you are asking about, look at Michael's suggestion of creating a Custom Action (easiest in vbscript or InstallScript) after RemoveExistingProducts, to, say, put up a Message Box and that would give you the opportunity to look around to verify the uninstallation (until you dismiss the Message Box).
0 Kudos
Level 7

Will do ... thanks for the clarification!:)
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