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Level 3

Patching bad uninstall logic

I recently deployed a basic msi package that started life as a snapshot created using AdminStudio 8.5. Long story short we missed some system registry keys that should have been removed from the package prior to deployment. As a result, now when someone uninstalls the package these registry keys are being removed and breaks another application we have in house.

I'm wondering if pushing out an update to this msi that only changes the uninstall behavior of these registry keys is a possibility.

How would you go about recoverying from a mistake like this?

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(1) Reply
Level 7

Well, since the damage is already done, you could re-deploy the same package, with an updated version (to force it to check every component), but this time, mark all the things you want to keep as permanent. That way, when it is uninstalled, those entries should stay.
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