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Level 2

Pass arguements to a batch file in installshield2010

Hi all,

I am using installshield2010. I am using custom actions to pass arguements to batch file but I couldnt make it run. It builds ine but gives an error while running it.
here is my custom action. I run it after the files are transferred options.

Source Location:File exists on target computer
File Location: [SystemFolder]
file name and command line:
cmd.exe /C "[INSTALLDIR]install.bat blue"

wait for action: yes
ignore exit code: no

Also my batch file install.bat does nothing but do echo %1
i.e. print the first arguement

Any help will be appreciated. I have been stuck here for couple of days. The tech support guys also doesnt seem to know the problem 😞 .

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(1) Reply
Flexera Alumni

Hi Ankit,

Pass the command line as follows:
cmd.exe /C "[INSTALLDIR]install.bat" blue

Note the quotes ...

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