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Level 5

Out of Disk Space confusion

Hi All,

During installation, I'm encountering Out of Disk Space error even though I have plenty of available disk space. Any ideas? I tried it on a VM and my local machine with same results.

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(11) Replies
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

What Project Type are you using? If it is a basic MSI or InstallScript MSI, do you have a log of the setup?
0 Kudos
Level 5

This is a basic MSI Project. Attached is the log file. I'm a newbie when it comes to installshield. I could understand only as much.


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Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

The two log lines that concern me...

MSI (c) (00:B4) [09:35:54:586]: Note: 1: 2303 2: 2 3: 1\
MSI (c) (00:B4) [09:35:54:816]: Note: 1: 2304 2: 3 3: 1\

What does your directory table for this project look like? (Go to the Direct Editor, and select the Directory table)
0 Kudos
Level 5

I don't know what you mean by what it looks like. But attached is the snapshot of the directory table.
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Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

Just a guess...can you try setting the following option to "Yes", rebuild you project and see of the error persists?
0 Kudos
Level 5

Still with no luck. I'm really frustrated. Have been for 2 weeks now. hehehe. Attached is the log file.

I'm really having a hard time converting our existing msi project from version 2.03 to version 2008... it makes me cry. wehehehe. :eek:
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Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

Can you send me your .ism file?
0 Kudos
Level 5

.ism file sent! Thanks.

0 Kudos
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

The cause of this issue (and the 1606 error you are seeing) is related to a custom action named Pat_Initialise. This custom action is setting a number of properties, and a few of them are also Directory table entries. The following is from the log file posted earlier:
InstallShield 9:35:42: Invoking script function Pat_Initialise
MSI (c) (00!D0) [09:35:42:198]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DESKTOP property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (c) (00!D0) [09:35:42:288]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding COSIGN property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (c) (00!D0) [09:35:42:318]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding LO property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (c) (00!D0) [09:35:42:348]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding RM property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (c) (00!D0) [09:35:42:378]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding RCSECURITY property. Its value is '1'.

Based on the script code, I couldn't determine exactly why this behavior was occurring as I didn't find any references to the above items. Since this particular custom action is causing this issue, I would recommend launching the InstallScript debugger to step through the script and follow what it is attempting to do. You can launch the script debugger with the one of the following command lines:
setup.exe /v"ISSCRIPTDEBUG=1 ISSCRIPTDEBUGPATH=\"path-to-Setup.dbg\""

-- or --
msiexec.exe /I "C:\PathToMsi\MsiPackage.msi" ISSCRIPTDEBUG=1 ISSCRIPTDEBUGPATH="path-to-Setup.dbg"
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

One other thing that you will want to look into is some of the script code in your project is setting the DATABASE property. This property is reserved for use by the Windows Installer for the name and path of the database that is to be cached on the machine (assuming first-time install) or that the installer is currently running. For example, something similar to the following line will be logged in every MSI installation:
MSI (c) (A0:D8) [14:44:11:308]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DATABASE property. Its value is 'C:\Users\JOSHST~1\AppData\Local\Temp\a9d2ec.msi'.

Changing the value of this property can have unintended and unpredictable side effects.
0 Kudos
Level 5

Thanks guys.

Unfortunately, the conversion process is very time-consuming, and as the release date is getting near, I opt to use verion 2.03 instead to install my .Net 3.0 application. Hope I get to integrate this one successfully with less problems.

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