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Level 2

Occasionally getting "Fatal error 0"


I have very strange issue with my IS 2010. Starting from several months ago, when building setups, occasionally I started getting "Fatal Error 0" during building process.

This started happening with all 5 products that I build and I cannot find any pattern why and when I should expect the issue to appear - sometimes I need to repeat 2-3 times the building so the setup can be properly built.

Knowing the fact that started to appear in same time and on all projects, I am assuming that it has something with some Windows or local Network update, but what confuses me is that it sometimes appears and sometimes does not.

I tried locating what has been changed, but no success.

Has anyone experienced similar issue and has found any solution?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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(2) Replies
Level 5

Goto Add/Remove program and "Repair" your IS 2010 install might fix the issue. I got some weird issues when I returning/reactivating my IS 2010 license a couple of years back, "Repair"ing my copy made them disappear.
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Level 2

Thank you for replying OldBean...

I tried that, however, I am still getting the same errors without any patterns.

It seams that I will need to move the InstallShield to new server :(...


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