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Level 3


Hi All!

An InstallScript-Projekt throws under Windows 7 64 Bit the error message:
"String OBJ_STATUS_INSTALLER_MISSING_DESC was not found in string table."
This is correct, no string with that name exists in string table.
So I've insert a string with name. But it doesn't help.
The error message occurs again.
Under Windows 7 32 Bit und Windows XP the error message doesn't occur.

After the error message it's possible to go on and the result of the
installation seems to be ok.

Google delivers only one uninteresting result with "OBJ_STATUS_INSTALLER_MISSING_DESC".

Bye, Mike Maico.
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(1) Reply
Level 3

The described error occurs if .Net 3.0 where integrated in setup project without activating property "x64". You can edit the properties of .Net 3.0 by context menu of .Net 3.0 in subtree "Features" reachable via path "Application Data/Objects" in main tree.

Bye, Mike Maico.
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