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Level 4

New folder for cloned dialog

Installshield 2012 Professional Edition

I did a clone of InstallChangeFolder and want to specify another destination folder in the _BrowsePrperty field (event?) of the change folder.

How do I create a folder like INSTALLDIR? I asumed that it is posible in the Path Variables section but unfortunately I'm not able to create this.
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(6) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I would generally suggest using the Files and Folders view to create a new folder on the target machine. Once you create that, right click it and select Properties to find or change its Directory Identifier; this is also the property you need to reference in the other dialog.
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Level 4

Yep, that did the trick. I created a folder SpoolFolder and in the properties the location is [SPOOLFOLDER]. I changed the BroweProperty to [SPOOLFOLDER]
However wthen I run the installer the folder is c:\My ProductName\.
What must I do more?
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Level 7

Under Installation Information > General Information tab look for INSTALLDIR, it must be set to [ProgramFilesFolder]My Product Name. Set it to [SPOOLFOLDER].
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Also, make sure you created the folder under the INSTALLDIR folder if you want it to default to that location, or override the default with a property or custom action. (Watch out with the custom action approach, though, as you probably don't want to prevent someone from changing it at the command-line.)
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Level 4

I successfully cloned the dialog and created a folder newfolder under the INSTALLDIR.
The _BrowseProperty of the Change button points to NEWFOLDER as seen in the properties of this folder.
Every thing works as it should be, I can browse to it etc. but how do I get the contents of it? It isn't @NEWFOLDER or [NEWFOLDER].

I need this value in my installscript (setup.rul).
0 Kudos
Level 4

Solved, I use MsiGetProprerty to get the value out of it....

MsiGetProperty(ISMSI_HANDLE, "NEWDIR", szSpoolDir, nSize);
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