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Level 2

.NET Precompile Assembly and Merge Modules

I've been tasked with creating a server and workstation install for a new product. The application files are identical between the two, but the server install will also install SQLExpress and run various SQL scripts, so the decision has been made to separate the two installs.

Because the application files are identical, I moved them all into a merge module, and included the msm into the new server and workstation installs.

However, once I did this, all of the .NET assemblies stopped precompiling. I've double checked and the Precompile .NET Assembly option is on for the relevant components in the merge module, and I've done some forum searches, but I haven't been able to find a solution. I did find one report from someone who experienced the same problem several years ago. (

Given that no one else seems to be experiencing this, I'm assuming that I'm missing a setting or such which is preventing the assemblies from being placed in the native cache. Does anyone have any ideas?
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Level 2

After playing with it a bit more, it seems that without a component in the main .msi that also is precompiled, the merge module's components will not fire. I may be mistaken - I haven't fully traced through all of the results and discovered exactly what's going on.
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