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Level 5

Mysterious ISDEV Warning -6487

I have created a Basic MSI project to deploy a web site and I am getting a strange warning every time I build my release:

ISDEV : warning -6487: If you intend to distribute this upgrade as a patch, you should author the 'Patch Optimization' setting on the Advanced Settings panel of the Release Wizard.

Because this is a new installer and has never been released to anyone, I have not configured anything on the Upgrades or Patch Design nodes. Searching your site for this warning yields no results and Googling it also does not produce any results.

Since I have created many installers and have never run into this before, I am confused as to what is the cause. I cannot see any settings on the Upgrades or Patch Design nodes that need to be changed.

Comparing this project to others that work as expected and do not produce this warning when compiled, I cannot find any setting that may be causing this.
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Level 5

In an attempt to resolve this, I deleted my configuration and release and recreated them from scratch. This had no effect. I still get the warning.
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Level 5

Changing the Upgrade Code also had no effect.
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Level 5

Nor did changing the Product Code.
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Level 5

Interestingly enough, the InstallShield help file lists a different message for this warning number:

"The latest image %1 does not contain any previous images."
"This error occurs if a latest image in the Patch Design view does not have at least one previous image. A latest image must have at least one previous image to create a patch."

Unfortunately, this still does not help because I have not modified anything in the Patch Design view. This is an original installer that has never been released!
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Level 5

When I attempt to uninstall the application, I get the following message:

"The setup must update files or services that cannot be updated while the system is running. If you choose to continue, a reboot will be required to complete the setup."

What causes this message to be displayed when attempting to UNINSTALL an application? It appears to think I want to do an update!

After further testing, it appears I just needed to reboot the machine after installation before attempting to uninstall and this message goes away.
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