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Level 6

Multiple SQL Connections problem

I will have three possible connections, they might be on seperate servers, or, all on the same server. I started with one connection and it worked fine, when I added the second connection, I started getting errors. Whether or not I run using the Ui sequence, or silently (and this will need to run silent, no SQL LOGIN dialog), I get "Error 27502, could not connect to microsoft SQL server ServerName. Invalid authorization specification". I then set the property IS_SQLSERVER_CONNECTIONS_TO_VALIDATE set to the name of the first connection only in the property table, and IsSQLServerValidate in the UI sequence right before the InstallWelcome, and when running with the UI I can get past the SQL Login dialog, but when it gets to the execution of the SQL scripts, the error does appear again.

I then put both connections in the IS_SQLSERVER_CONNECTIONS_TO_VALIDATE property, and the error came up in the welcom dialog. I was able to continue with the install, but ran into the error again in the SQL login dialog.

How do I get around this?
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Level 6

I should have slept on t before I posted. when I came in this morning I figured it out. It was not the multiple connections, it was invalid data (name\pw) for the second connection. Too much copying and pasting.:)
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