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Level 2


I'm currently trying to put together an installer that will move some files to a new folder before installing new files of the same name.

I have added the following to the MoveFile table using the Direct Editor, but the files are never moved to the new location. The settings are:

FileKey: Library1.doc
Component: Library
SourceName: *.*
DestName: *.*
Options: 0

Is there something wrong with what I am doing, or is there something else I need to do in order to move the files? I need to move the files to a different folder before installing the newer versions of the files.
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(3) Replies
Level 4

My big question would be .... Does Installshield resolve path variables entered directly into the tables like that? To test it I would replace MYSOURCEDIR and MYTARGETDIR with actual hard coded paths to see what happens. Also, you might want to consider using msidbMoveFileOptionsMove for the options.
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Level 2

I've set the option to 1 for msidbMoveFileOptionsMove, but it didn't make a difference.

I can't copy the path into the SourceFolder or DestFolder in the MoveFile table, as it does not seem to accept anything with spaces or \ characters. From what I can see it would only ever accept a path variable.
0 Kudos
Level 4

I just setup a test install to try this out and it worked correctly. I did use Properties like you stated at first and it worked. Did you create a component called Library and is it set to get installed?
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