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Level 6

Red X cancel launches action attached to Finish button

I use a setup complete dialog when I finish running the suite installation.

I have renamed the finish button to continue because it launches another installation.

When you click on the continue (finish) button it performs the following action:


And so the Suite installation stops and my main installation is launched.

However, if you click on the red X at the top right side of the dialog it does not cancel the install; instead it also launches my main installation.

Is there a way to control or change this behavior?

I am also unable to include a cancel button with the finish button on this dialog and have it work successfully.

A normal cancel button would display a prompt to the user asking if he wants to cancel. In this case it doesn't work.

Is there a way to use a cancel button with a finish button on the same dialog?

I want the finish button to be able to stop the suite installation and launch another install. I want the cancel button so the user can cancel and stop at that point.

Thanks in advance,

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(2) Replies
Level 3

Use the Install button instead of the Finish Button.

1. Set "Finish" button to: No
2. Set "Install" button to: Yes
3. Set "Cancel" button to: Yes
4. Set "Install" button text to "Continue"
5. Set "Install" button action to: {Open MY_INSTALL_EXE}
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Level 6


That does work and helps me avoid the issue I am seeing
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