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Level 8

Minor upgrade not removing .rbf and its causing installer to REBOOT


I have a Basic MSI project in IS2011. In some machines when i do a minor upgrade the installer prompt for a Reboot. This is really not advisable for us. I tried to find out why this is happening and came to know that the installer is not removing one .rbf from the c:\windows\config.msi folder as part of installation. I know that the rbf files are backup files used if rollback is required but the question is why its not getting removed?? what is causing this issue happening in some machine and not consistent?

i have searched through the forum and many of the users had similar kind of issues in various versions of IS and no one had responded to it. Please look into this issue.....

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Level 8

Here i go again... answering my own questions

Inspecting the log i was able to find out that some process that is not a window application is holding back some file. I serached for message numbers 1609 and 1903. 1903 gives me the idea which files is being held back and 1603 gives me information about which process is holding it back.

For my case some dllhost application is holding back since its a system application i will not be able to delete it explicitly. Windows installer does this lookup for the exes or dlls that hold back anyfiles during removal or upgrade. And if it finds any then it will mark then for deletion and set a mandatory Reboot for the installation.
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