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Level 2

Microsoft SQL server 2012 silent install

Hello All,

Im using InstallShield 2014 Professional and trying to install sql server silently and recieving the following error:

When i was searching for command line arguments, the MEDIALAYOUT was not found on the msdn site

Here is what my prereq looks like.

Can anyone point me in the right direction for this issue. Thanks!
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Level 8

ChrisBahr wrote:
Hello All,

Im using InstallShield 2014 Professional and trying to install sql server silently and recieving the following error:

When i was searching for command line arguments, the MEDIALAYOUT was not found on the msdn site

Here is what my prereq looks like.

Can anyone point me in the right direction for this issue. Thanks!

There is no SQL Server 2012 Express setup command line "-T272" or "-T5566"

So you're probably getting a nonsense error message (about MEDIALAYOUT) that actually has nothing to do with your problem. Your problem is that you need to use a correct command line that the Microsoft setup routine for SQL Server 2012 Express recognizes:
h t t p s : / /

In the screenshot below, I've spun up a 32-bit Win7 Enterprise VM and copied in the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1 Express setup. I used your command line and it failed in exactly the fashion you described. Therefore you need to use a command line that works.

Note: you should figure out the correct command line without involving testing it through InstallShield (because that adds unnecessary, unhelpful complexity). It's clear that the problem has nothing to do with InstallShield or its handling of .PRQ's. Just spin up a VM as I did in the screenshot above, and figure out a command line that gets things installed per your requirements. Once you've got the right command line, you can replace the -T272 -T5566 that you're currently using.

Here's an example of an installation command line that I often use for SQL Server 2012 Express:
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