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Level 2

Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19 for SQL Server (x64)

Hello Team,

Which version of InstallShield is having "Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19 for SQL Server (x64)" in the list of prerequisites?


Vijay Jha


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(2) Replies
Level 3

Hi, how did you do ? DId you manage to install it ?

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Revenera Moderator

Hi @amapic @jha001vijay 

You can download the OLEDB 19.0 prq files in this attachment, Please download the prq and add it to Installdir location of 2021 setupPrequsities 

C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2021\SetupPrerequisites


In order to connect your SQL script using OLEDB 19.0, then you need to follow steps mentioned in below KB

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