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Level 3

Merging a Merge Module in InstallScript Project

Is there a built in way to Merge a Merge Module in an InstallScript Project?

I need to associate my own Merge Module built using Visual Studios 2005 with a component and have it Merge when the feature that is associated with the component gets installed.

I've been doing some research but have found very little on the topic. Any direction is greatly appreciated. Keep in mind I'm a noobie...:confused:

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Level 8

Yes. I have created installations using Install Shield Projects that utilize merge modules. You are also correct that there isn't a lot of information on this subject. What you do is drag and drop the merge module into a component. You can only drop one merge module per component. I usually create 1 component and name it the merge module that I'm installing.

Now this is how it works. Install Shield creates a wrapper of a windows installer and adds the merge module to it. Then runs during the copy phase of the installation.

I hope this helps. If you need more information, please let me know.
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Level 3

TheTraveler wrote:
Yes. I have created installations using Install Shield Projects that utilize merge modules. You are also correct that there isn't a lot of information on this subject. What you do is drag and drop the merge module into a component. You can only drop one merge module per component. I usually create 1 component and name it the merge module that I'm installing.

Now this is how it works. Install Shield creates a wrapper of a windows installer and adds the merge module to it. Then runs during the copy phase of the installation.

I hope this helps. If you need more information, please let me know.

(Traveler) Thank you. However I tried this and all that was being done by InstallShield was copying the merge module into the target directory.
1. Is there a property I missed somewhere?
2. Does it matter which type of project you are doing it in (InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, MSI)?? I am working on a InstallScript project.

Thanks again in advance!
0 Kudos
Level 8

1) Go to the "Objects". This should list all the InstallShield Objects and Merge Modules.
2) There should be a list of Features listed below the list of objects.
3) Drag and Drop the Merge Module from the list of Objects to the feature below. This should automatically create a new object under the feature called, "New Merge Module Holder Object 1"

If you are using a third party object that is not normally comes with Install Shield, you need to copy that merge module into the folder where Install Shield can load it into the IDE.

Hope this helps.
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