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Level 2

Merge Module Only Install

My company finally upgraded to 2011. We were on version 2, so it was a long time coming.

Anyways, I've upgraded our previous install project to the current version and had no problems with that. I've also included the Crystal Reports XI Merge modules into that project without any difficulty.

Here is my problem. We have an install base of 1400+ users that will need to have the Merge Modules applied to them. But these users are all over the country and are on verying interenet connections.

My plan for these people was to create a new install project that is just those CR XI merge modules. But I would like it to be a "hands-free" install(ie they install is kicked off for them and the most that they would see is maybe a splash screen to indicate that it is going).

But seeing as I have very little experience working with the usage of the dialog windows(I know how to add files to the install), I am unsure how to accomplish this and have been unable to gleen anything thing from the help files.

Can anyone point me in the right direction or give me some ideas(or a whole different approach) on how to accomplish this?

Thanks in Advance
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(1) Reply
Level 10

If tis a prereq for your product, then use the prere editor, otherwise include the mm in your setup design tree or make it a chained install
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