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Level 3

Media table question

I have created a Transform that adds new files to my MSI.

The Media table shows that these files exist in the

If I run the transform against the .msi with the in the same folder as the .msi then all is well. However, if the file is placed in any other folder then I recieve error 1311 because the cab file cannot be located.

If I add a property in the "source" column of the media table (via the transform) giving the location of the cab file, the behaviour does not change -- I still recieve error 1311.

Can anyone tell me the trick to getting this value in the "source" column to work?
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(1) Reply
Level 3

Does anyone have any input on this one??

If the file is not in the same location as the MSI file when applying a TRANSFORM how do you access the file(s) in the
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