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Level 11

Making Use of the RemoveFile Table...

I'm switching over from a Wise product and they had the ability to add Remove Files operations in their Files view. If you add, let's say a .log file to be removed, it would place entries in the RemoveFile table. It would also creat a component referenced in that table.

I was just wondering how this is done in InstallShield. Should I just use Direct Editor to add the desired records? What component should I use? Should I generate a REMOVEFILES component first? Or, is there a more graceful way of handling this in IS?

Any help appreciated!
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Flexera Alumni

Correct, you'll currently want to add records to those tables in the Direct Editor view. If you have a "main" component that will always get removed on uninstall---containing the thing that creates the logs, perhaps---you could attach the RemoveFile records to that.

There's an example in this old newsletter tip (PDF):
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Level 11

Thanks much!

I actually remember the use of the Direct Editor when I used IS in the past (Developer 8 days).

Here's another quick question....

One of the fields in the RemoveFile table (as well as in the iniFile table) is the DirProperty. Currently I've populated that with the value in the Directory table, matching case. Is that correct. For example, in the Directory table I have CLIENT in the Directory field and Client in the DefaultDir field... I used CLIENT in the DirProperty fields as mentioned above. Is that correct?
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