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Level 4

MSP Uninstall and Custom Action condition problem


I’m having a problem when uninstalling an MSP. I have several custom actions in the InstallExecute sequence that I don’t want to run during any patch activities. The custom actions are already conditioned in the base/RTM MSI to perform as expected. Therefore to prevent these custom actions from running during MSP install and uninstall I simply added the following to the start of each custom actions condition:

(Not PATCH And Not MsiPatchRemovalList) And ...

This works during the MSP install thanks to the PATCH property. However during uninstall the MsiPatchRemovalList property isn’t preventing the custom actions from running.

I have also tried using the MSIPATCHREMOVE property but it too doesn’t work.

Can anyone suggest a method that I can use to prevent my custom actions from running on both MSP install and MSP uninstall without changing the RTM MSI, as I can no longer make changes to this MSI package.

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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

If you generate an MSI log file, is there any indication of how the properties are set and therefore why the condition fails?
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Level 2

Hi Simon Dand,

Hopefully not to late!

I had the same probley as you, and I've spent the last three days trying to figure out how to work with MSIPATCHREMOVE or MsiPatchRemovalList properties.

Through the installer logs, I could realize that during the patch uninstall process, only the actions (no matter if they were standard or custom) under Execute Sequence were executed. Then, I've found in somewhere (don't remember where) an information telling that a Patch Uninstall has no UI. So, I moved my customactions from User Interface to Execute Sequence Table. After this change, the installer started to recognize the MSIPATCHREMOVE condition under the customactions.

I hope this can help you.


João Pedro Motondon
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