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Level 3

Localized product name?

We would like to use a different string for our product title in each language we support, but there doesn't seem to be any support for localizing product properties.

In some cases, we can replace the "%P" in certain dialogs with the desired title, but not every visible string is represented in the string table (e.g., the status screen and the window title will insist on using the product name).

Am I just missing this feature? It seems like a localized product name would be a fairly common requirement. If not, are there known workarounds that I could use?
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(5) Replies
Level 4

you need replace all the product name property "[ProductName]" in String Table for every language.
All Dialog string comes from String Table. But if you want to change the product name during installation(e.g change the property "ProductName"), some product name can not be updated on msi dialog, and will continue to use the old product name. So it seems that you can not change all product name for all dialog during installation, you need change the product name property "[ProductName]" in String Table before ism file compiled.

Maybe, you can handle it with the following steps:
1. create the new property "PRODUCTNAME_FRA" for french in "Property Manager" on InstallShield 2008.
2. replace all the string "[ProductName]" with "[PRODUCTNAME_FRA]" in Frech String Table.

Hope that this is useful for you.

0 Kudos
Level 3

Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I'm using an InstallScript project, so I don't have the Property Manager available, but I'll see if I can work around that.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Ah, there's an easier (if somewhat hack) solution. Adding an entry named PRODUCT_NAME to the string table will override whatever name is given in the Product Properties view. It gives me a warning when I compile as if that's not the behavior I'd want, but I can't see another way to do this. (I'm not using an InstallScript MSI project, so MsiSetProperty wouldn't do anything, and that would just amount to overriding the property too.)
0 Kudos
Level 3

In case anyone else finds themselves with the same problem, it also looks like SdProductName( szProductName ) might have been a better way to do this. I haven't tested it, so I'm not sure if it handles all cases (like the titles of dialogs), but it's worth trying.
0 Kudos
Level 6

Do the following:

1. Add a Localizable Property Called LocalizedProductName (or whatever your heart desires).
2. Add a SetProperty custom action which the following specs (shown in the jpg below)
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